Letter To the Editor of The Enterprise, February 2016: 

There is a strong need for housing in Hastings that is affordable for young people beginning careers, retired seniors and others in between. The Hastings Affordable Housing Committee (“HAHC”) has been working toward this goal since 1990, long before Westchester County’s 2009 settlement of a housing discrimination lawsuit brought against it by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The accomplishments of HAHC include enactment of a 2013 local law requiring 15% of new housing units in developments of 8 or more apartments, to meet defined levels of affordability. We are currently developing and advocating for the development of 17 units of affordable rental and owner occupied housing in town, we have completed 18 additional units, and we continue to seek opportunities in a town where land is a scarce and expensive resource.  Our website, hastingsahc.jimdo.com, is now being updated regularly, and we’ve begun posting approved minutes of recent meetings (times and location of which may be found on the Village calendar, but generally we meet at 7:30 pm on the second Thursday of each month, on the second floor of Village Hall.) Please visit our website for current news, and for information on supporting our activities. Consider showing up and speaking out at meetings of the planning and zoning boards when our projects are presented, and let us know if you’d like to join our committee. Our e-mail address is hastingsaffordablehousing@hastingsgov.org 


Watch for an announcement in coming weeks of a marketing outreach for the affordable portion of the Lofts on Saw Mill River under construction now on Saw Mill River Road. 

Ira Lichtiger, Chair


Hastings-on-Hudson Affordable Housing Development Fund Company 




""Hastings Praised for Affordable Units," Rivertowns Enterprise, August 16, 2013

Eco-Minded Units for Rent," Rivertowns Enterprise, January 25, 2008

