
 Arthur Riolo - Chair
Suzanne Smith  
Elise Smith
Robert Licht
Christina Griffin
Thomas Donohoe, Jr.
Mark Cassella
Nick Frascone
Ira Lichtiger
David Hutson
James Keaney
Lisa Carroll
Patty Speranza



 Minutes of Joint Affordable Housing Committee and Fund Meeting of April 13, 2017

7:30 PM in the Municipal Building




Lisa Carroll Present

Mark Cassella Present

Tom Donohoe Present

Nick Frascone Absent

Christina Griffin Absent

David Hutson Absent

James Keaney Present

Bob Licht Absent

Ira Lichtiger Present

Arthur Riolo Present

Elise Smith Present

Sue Smith Present

Patty Speranza Absent


Lynn Hock

Andrea Olstein



Arthur Riolo called the meeting to order, and asked if there were any corrections or for a motion to approve the minutes of the January meeting.


James Keaney made a motion to accept the minutes, Ira Lichtiger seconded the motion.  Motion passed.



52 Washington Avenue

In David Hutson’s absence, Sue Smith advised that they are trying to find a company to test the sprinkler system.

Sue also reported that the owners of Unit 2 have complained about sound from Unit 3.

David Hutson will work with the contractor on this, but does not feel that we should cover expense for the work.

The check books have been turned over to the Treasurer.  We will continue to monitor for a while.

James Keaney advised that he paid a Verizon invoice.  Sue will check to have the Fund reimbursed.

Mark Cassella asked about the landscaping; Sue said that David will have to answer this.



190 Farragut

Rose Noonan was not available tonight, but contacted Arthur to set up a meeting in the next week or two.  Arthur will contact her next week and advise if a meeting is needed.

Arthur also advised that Housing Action Counsel has received affordable housing money.

James Keaney asked for two signatures for the check to pay the real estate taxes due on the property.

John McDonald spoke to Sue Smith and she told him that we should start construction in the spring.



American Legion Property

Mark Cassella advised that he spoke to Jim Pasanello and they received the sub-division and would like to speak with us.  They are concerned that they will not get the money they are looking for.

Arthur Riolo said that he will speak to Tom Drake.

Ira Lichtiger asked that Arthur assist us in figuring out an amount to offer for the property.

Tom Donohoe said that they are only looking to sell one lot at this time.



Arthur attended a meeting at the Housing Action Counsel.  They are trying to formulate  what their role will be in the future.  

There were people there from other organizations, including

Allied Community Enterprises (ACE), Joan Arnold, and 

Westhab, Richard Nightingale

Available federal funds are shrinking.

They also spoke about increasing the required set aside for affordable units to 20%.  Arthur advised them that Hastings has a set aside law at 15% for buildings of 8 or more units.  

Rose explained that we are a completely volunteer group in Hastings.

They spoke about the political changes in Washington.  If the corporate tax rate is lowered, there will be less demand for tax credits, and therefore lower prices.

Housing Action Counsel works in development, advocacy, training and technical support.  Its development work is shrinking.

ACE is working on coming up with a new branding and presentation for affordable housing.


Sue Smith and Ira Lichtiger will attend the Pace Land Use seminar next week.


422 Warburton Avenue

They are under new management, The Richman Group.

Ira will reach out to them to meet with us. 




Sue advised that our taxes are with the Accountant.  We will have an extension.

Sue suggested that we try to get some affordable senior housing if Andrus goes ahead with their planned development.

Arthur mentioned that Astoria has been taken over by Sterling.  He is not sure if they will keep this branch.

We should contact them to see if they will support affordable housing.


Lynn Hock introduced herself.

Andrea Olstein introduced herself and suggested that if affordable units are not feasible at Andrus, we might request monetary substitute.


Our next meeting will be May 11 at 7:30 PM.


James Keaney moved to adjourn the meeting, Ira Lichtiger seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned.



 Minutes of Joint Affordable Housing Committee and Fund Meeting of March 9, 2017

7:30 PM in the Municipal Building




Lisa Carroll Absent

Mark Cassella Present

Tom Donohoe Absent

Nick Frascone Absent

Christina Griffin Absent

David Hutson Present

James Keaney Present

Bob Licht Absent

Ira Lichtiger Present

Arthur Riolo Present

Elise Smith Present

Sue Smith Absent

Patty Speranza Present


Rose Noonan, Housing Action Council

Ava Aligood, Village Board



Arthur Riolo called the meeting to order, and asked if there were any corrections or for a motion to approve the minutes of the January meeting.


Ira Lichtiger advised that his letter to the editor was not published in the Enterprise.

He will update the information and re-submit it.

Ira Lichtiger made a motion to accept the minutes, James Keaney seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously



Report on Finances

James Keaney gave a financial report.

We received $55,000 from the county and Jim paid Housing Action Council invoice and will pay the Architect’s invoice when he receives it.

We have received a few more donations.  He will give the information to Patty Speranza to send out the acknowledgement letters.



52 Washington Avenue

David Hutson advised that they have a meeting scheduled with the owners and Jim Drum to go over the Fire Plan which has to be given to the owners.

Dave reported that there was a complaint about sound between one of the common walls between Units 2 and 3.

He will address this with the contractor.

James Keaney mentioned that the Fund received a Con Ed bill for 52 Washington Avenue.  Jim and Dave Hutson will meet and correct the mailing address for the invoice for the common area of 52 Washington.


Dave said that things are working well between the owners so far.


190 Farragut

Rose Noonan reported that the contractors are still on board and she is working on the loans and financing for this project.


Report on 422 Warburton Avenue

Rose advised that Eric Anderson has paid the taxes and there has been a change in the management company for this project.

Richman Management, out of Greenwich, will take over management of the building.

Rose suggested that we invite them to our meeting.  Ira mentioned that our next meeting will be April 13. 



Patty Speranza brought up the subject of a fund raiser sometime over the summer or early fall, possibly at the River front park


We also discussed the American Legion property again.  They may want to sell off a building lot on the Rosedale side of the property.

Mark Cassella  will contact Jim Pasanello  and see about the possibility of getting that lot for affordable veteran housing.

Rose confirmed that land acquisition money is still available from the county.

Andrus was also discussed.  They are thinking of adding independent living units along the west side of their property.  We discussed the possibility of putting affordable units in the building on the east side of their property.


Our next meeting will be April 13 at 7:30 PM.


James Keaney moved to adjourn the meeting, Dave Hutson seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned.


Minutes of Joint Affordable Housing Committee and Fund Meeting of January 12, 2017

7:30 PM in the Municipal Building


Lisa Carroll Present

Mark Cassella Absent

Tom Donohoe Absent

Nick Frascone Present

Christina Griffin Present

David Hutson Absent

James Keaney Present

Bob Licht Absent

Ira Lichtiger Present

Arthur Riolo Present

Elise Smith Present

Sue Smith Present

Patty Speranza Present

Rose Noonan, Housing Action Council

Arthur Riolo called the meeting to order, and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the December meeting.

James Keaney made a motion to accept the minutes as reported, Ira Lichtiger seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously

Financial Report

James Keaney reported that we received $2,800 in contributions in response to the recent appeal letter. All checks were deposited into the Fund’s account.

Rose Noonan submitted the request for $55,000 to the County today. The process can be quick or they may have many questions before releasing the funds.

Rose Noonan submitted a statement of expenses due to Housing Action Council on 52 Washington Avenue project, and a statement from the Architect

Ira asked if we can be reimbursed out of these funds for the expenses we had to pay for taxes and utility bills. Jim will get a list of the payments and submit them to Rose tomorrow.

Letter to Editor of The Enterprise

If anyone has comments on the draft copy of the letter circulated, please contact Ira directly.

Ira sked Rose for clarification on the occupancy at Saw Mill Lofts

She responded that 9 are occupied, 2 will move in by the 15th, and 1 is still being qualified.

Directors and Officers Insurance

We discussed the quote received for a Director & Officer insurance policy. Cost is $1,123/year for $1,000,000 coverage.

We have a separate policy for the project at 190 Farragut Avenue, which was already paid for.

Sue Smith moved to purchase the policy, Elise Smith seconded the motion.

Motion passed .

52 Washington Avenue

Sue Smith reported that all three owners will be in by the end of the month, and gave Arthur a list of the owners. She requested that the sign should be removed from the front yard.

Sue reported that the balance of the operating account is $3,536.47; and the capital account is $1,129.83.

The Fund will act as managing agent for the Condo Association for up to one year.

The Board of Managers of the Condo are Sue Smith and David Hutson.

Rose contacted the three owners to schedule the first meeting on February 4 at 3:00 PM. She will confirm once she hears back from all of them. The Initial Meeting will be held at the Riolo

Offices on Main Street, in the conference room.

190 Farragut

Rose would like to get the construction loan in place so the contractor can begin work in March.


Sue asked Rose about the Town of Greenburgh Corporate Counsel.

Rose said that during their conversation, he mentioned that in February, they would be taking possession of 35 properties under foreclosure and that 422 Warburton Avenue is one of the properties.

Rose will check with the Corporate Counsel, Tim Lewis, and get back to Ira.

Ira asked Rose how the County’s position will change now that they have the Settlement behind them.

Rose feels that the funds will still be available for acquisition and infrastructure, but the construction funds will come from the State.

South Warburton Avenue

Christina Griffin spoke to Building Inspector, Buddy Minozzi, and he said it was not a buildable property.

Also, it is possible that the property may be offered to Atria if their plans are approved by the board.

Christina also mentioned that David Moran approached her and is interested in working with someone from the village to develop Larry Young’s property at the end of Ridge Street with a village property on River Street just below the Ridge Street property.

Patti Speranza moved to adjourn the meeting, Ira Lichtiger seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned. 



Minutes of Affordable Housing Committee Meeting of December 8, 2016



7:30 PM in the Municipal Building




Lisa Carroll Absent


Mark Cassella Present


Tom Donohoe Absent


Nick Frascone Absent


Christina Griffin Absent


David Hutson Present


James Keaney Present


Bob Licht Absent


Ira Lichtiger Absent


Arthur Riolo Present


Elise Smith Present


Sue Smith Present


Patty Speranza Present


Rose Noonan, Housing Action Council



Arthur Riolo asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting


James Keaney made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2016 meeting


Sue Smith seconded the motion


Motion was passed unanimously.


52 Washington Avenue


Arthur advised that Unit 2 was appraised for the second bank.


Rose Noonan has not received the appraisal yet. The target date for closing on Unit 2 is December 22.


The other two closings are scheduled on December 12 and December 19.


Rose asked that we check to find a copy of the revised By-laws dated 2012.


Sue Smith, Arthur Riolo and Elise Smith will check and advise Rose on Friday.


We discussed the details of the closing, payment of common charges by the new owners and transfer of the utility accounts to the owners.


Sue will contact Suez Water and request a refund of the outstanding credit on the water account.


Mark asked if the thank you letter was sent to Mark Desouza. Arthur asked that I send the letter out to Mark.


Dave Hutson will contact Mark Desouza to arrange for him to continue snow removal and lawn service for the Condo Association. Dave said that Mark was not taking on any new snow removal clients and that he was going to contact Greg Shuluk to see if he would take care of snow removal.



190 Farragut



Nothing will go forward till spring.


Rose has $15,000 in commitments from several lenders and she is looking into another $75,000. She should know in March.


Dave Hutson will contact the building inspection to confirm the expiration date on our building permit and check if the site plan approval has an expiration date.


Saw Mill Lofts


Rose reported that 10 of the affordable units are rented and several tenants have moved in.


Patty Speranza checked the resolution from the village and the building management was to arrange for taxi service to provide a shuttle to and from the Hastings train station.


Dave will check with the building inspector to learn whether this was looked at before issuing the CO





Fund Raising


Patty has revised the letter used last year.


She plans to have the letter out before the end of the year.


If anyone has names to be added to the mailing list, they should let her know.




Sue Smith received an award from the Pace Land Use Law Center, mentioning Hastings’ ground breaking work in affordable housing.


Patty spoke to Nicki Armacost about the possibility of using solar power in affordable housing. Patti will let Nicki know we are interested and see if she can come to one of our meetings to discuss it.


Patty Speranza moved to adjourn, Mark Cassella seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.











Minutes of Affordable Housing